Tuesday, June 03, 2003

It's 3am on a Tuesday morning in the ER. I'm currently in the resuscitation room, acting as babysitter, haha! After a spurt of activity earlier at around midnight, with 2 standby cases -- I took the collapsed one -- things have quietened down, and hopefully it'll stay this way till 8am, when the night shift ends.

Witnessed the reduction of a dislocated shoulder yesterday, which is nothing novel, except that it was done without any analgesia whatsoever. Yes! Believe it! The reg in charge relied on what she called "verbal anaesthesia", and I was awestruck! Haven't tried it out for myself, so I'm waiting for the opportunity. Need lots of patience though, and it takes a little bit longer to get the patient to relax sufficiently. It's kinda like hypnotherapy. Really cool.

Here's another nice link for Clay Aiken fans. Looks like he's surpassed Ruben in leaps and bounds. And even today, people in the chat complain about not being able to get through the phone lines during the finals. Well, I don't think it matters anymore. Judging from the response, we all know who the real winner is. :)

I've got the rest of the day off after the shift ends, plus an additional free day tomorrow, yay! Will be using it to spend some time in town and avoid the weekend crowds, especially since The Great Singapore Sale is now in full swing. Orchard Road was swamped with people just last Saturday, and I got a gigantic headache finding a parking lot.
But I'm not a clothes horse, and will be in the city for more practical purposes -- ie. to buy a pair of hardy sneakers, mostly for my posting. Figured these'll give me better traction so I don't slip during an M+R, or if I have to run for whatever reason, and of course, to a prevent my feet from getting splattered by bodily fluids.

But wait, my birthday's also coming up. I'm on afternoon shift on the day itself, but at least I've got Wednesday to enjoy myself. :D I don't believe in big celebrations, and usually just have a quiet dinner or two with family and close friends, and this year will not be any different. Turning 28, and guess what? This is the age I set for myself as the limit for getting married and having kids, 'cos there is no way I'm going to accept the risks associated with pregnancies after 30. And besides, with the way my love life has been progressing ( or regressing rather :) ), I'm a little disillusioned. Haven't met anyone who can restore my faith in relationships yet, but I'd sure love some friendly advice!

Just heard from a nursing officer that female beds are completely filled up at the moment, with cases being transferred to another hospital for admission. Sigh. I do not envy you guys in the wards! But we're trying really hard to manage everyone in observation or as outpatients in general. I've only admitted one case so far, so that's not too bad, right? ;)

Well, gonna catch up on some reading. 5 more hours to go.

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