Saturday, January 03, 2004

Ah, it's always nice to catch up with Dave Barry again. His blog's on hiatus at the moment, but will return in full force later this month. His last entry was a 1995 Christmas poem that had me laughing my guts out. Come to think of it, if I could be something other than a doctor, I'd love to be a humour writer -- hmmm, my experiences in medicine would be perfect fodder *evil grin*. Newspaper columns are out, 'cos I can't even get a letter printed in the Forum Page of The Straits Times anymore ( such is the animosity directed against poor me, sob ), and local publishers don't have adequate reach in the book market. Foreign publishers? *the wheels turn* Darn exam. Sidetracking my potential stellar writing career. :P

Dave Barry's Blog

You can email him at Dave's a really really friendly guy, so he'll most likely reply to you.

Forgot to talk a little about a new MTV programme in my previous posts. Have you heard of "Newlyweds"? It's a reality show about real-life married couple Nick Lachey ( of 98 Degrees ) and Jessica Simpson ( aka ditzy blonde with mediocre singing talent ). I used to watch "The Osbournes" and "Punk'd", but the former got dull after a while, and the latter has Ashton Kutcher, who has got to be the most annoying idiot in the whole world right now, notwithstanding the fact that he's actually good-looking and must be quite the stud to keep Demi Moore interested. But I digress... :D

"Newlyweds" is, in my opinion at least, compelling television. I own TWO 98 Degrees CDs, by the way. Bought those for the singing, not the washboard abs *innocent look* :P Nick and Jessica were in an on-again-off-again situation, but in the end, they tied the knot, and now bare all, figuratively speaking, on MTV.
The pilot was screened on Singapore cable when I was away in NZ, but I did catch the 2nd episode, which had Jessica going into major overdrive when Nick auditioned skimpily clad dancers for an upcoming performance. "I trust my husband," Jessica drawled. "I know he adores me, but I don't trust the girls." Yeah, right. She trailed along to the try-outs, shot Nick venomous stares when he ogled too much ( one priceless shot had him stop mid-sentence, jaw hanging, as he gawked at a girl's tush! ), and then, in a classic dumb-blonde moment, bought 3 pieces of lingerie for US $750 ( she didn't even look at the price tag, and whined to Nick only after she'd left the store!? Nick's response? A very gentle "Well, look at the price tag next time, honey." )

I saw these two nuts on Oprah a couple of months back, and believe it or not, Jessica has never once, in her entire life, lifted a hand to do chores around the house. Scenes from "Newlyweds" depicted their home in a perpetual mess, necessitating the hiring of a housekeeper. Two young and able adults who aren't really that busy ( come ON! ) can't even keep house. Shameful!!! Wait, there's more. When Oprah asks Jessica's mother why Jess didn't help out when she was a kid / teenager, the mom said her daughter was just "too busy with her career", then Jessica chimed in and answered, "Well, my mom didn't work, so she should do the chores."
And women like these always get the guy. I get down on my hands and knees to scrub toilets, I can mop a 2-storey house singlehandedly in under an hour, wash and iron clothes if I have to ( my mom won't let me do that, 'cos she worries that I'll collapse from exhaustion, so... :)). The only thing I can't do yet is cook meals. But I'm learning. :D

Hmm, looks like I'm ranting. Okay then, hopefully my mood will lighten tomorrow. Aren't the results for the Asia Blog Awards out yet? ;)

P.S. Drop by this website. I'll bet it'll blow your mind ( like it did mine, which is still reeling :P )

The TimeCube

P.P.S. Super-funny video clip under Dave Barry's December 16 entry, with the heading Women: Do you wonder what men do in men's rooms? Looks Australian. :P

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