Thursday, May 13, 2004

Whoa, Blogger has changed its format -- AGAIN. What's up with that?

If you guessed I'm on night again, you're absolutely right. I don't know what it is about my schedule nowadays. I just don't have time to blog. Frustrating, aaargh!

4am, lull in the queue compared to 32 waiting when I walked in to start my shift at 11pm. The patients were magically cleared within an hour, but continue to trickle in every few minutes. My brain function continues to regress, as I see fever after fever after fever. But am really enjoying the kids -- bawling one minute as you stick a spatula into their mouths, then smiling and waving goodbye the next after you give them a sweet as compensation for those few short seconds of torture.

Had my first foray into the local courts this morning when I was called as a witness in a case involving a married couple. Can't be specific about it for legal reasons, but looks as if all these years of watching The Practice on TV has payed off. :) I must've come across as one of the most non-commital, vague people around. But I did try to help both parties in turn. The lawyers were thankfully kind, as was the judge. The only complaint I have is how judges in Singapore have to transcribe testimonies word for word by hand, in their own writing some more. No stenographers. No clerks. Takes too long lah.

Another thing I noticed is how crowded the family court was today. In fact, it was so packed I had problems squeezing through at certain areas. As I passed one small group, I overheard a man telling the others, "It's a fine line between love and hate." Another young lady sobbed in the waiting area, while formally attired attorneys conferred along the corridors. Interesting experience.

I've been informed I may get subpoenaed for yet another case later this month, involving a youth who was slashed and is now disfigured. The case I missed out on was the one involving that Japanese fellow on the SQ flight who pleaded guilty to molesting an air stewardess. It was in the Straits Times but I didn't get the chance to read it, relying only on my parents for information. I was initially called upon to testify because I saw him on the night of the incident and took his blood for alcohol level, but was later let off the hook when he pleaded out and avoided a trial. There goes my 15 minutes of fame. :P

I recently heard a disturbing tale involving a high-profile medical professional in a government hospital. The facts have been verified by multiple sources close to the person in question, and all I can say is: a HUGE INJUSTICE has occurred. Details? Only if I have a death wish. But some people know what I'm talking about, and the saddest part of this is: we wish so much that we could do something, but our hands are tied. Sigh.

The finale for Eye For A Guy was bizarre. My head was spinning, and I'm still reeling from the completely weird conclusion. Rachel picked Sivert ( cute hair salon manager guy who seems very down-to-earth ). But shortly after, she started dating Mark ( cocky polytechnic lecturer with a thick American accent and the title of Cleo magaizine's Bachelor of the Year 2003 ). R and M are now going to Paris together, but S has bought himself a ticket as well, and will be joining them there. HUH???
Ok, better not waste any more brain space pondering that situation. :)

Will be watching Troy this afternoon, post-night fatigue or not. The film garnered 5 stars in the Life! review, but I already know it's going to be superb, judging from an MTV making-of special I caught the night before. Everyone looks fantastic, the visual effects are stunning, the dialogue dramatic yet lacking in moronic cheesiness. The cast has also perfected this pseudo-Brit / neutral-sounding accent, so none of that funny American / Australian brogue creeping in at crucial points to distract viewers. It's a Greek legend, so twangs make a big difference. Brad Pitt is pretty good with accents ( Snatch, The Devil's Own ). He sounds great spewing cerebral lines in that deep voice of his. I'll post a review soon.

Right then, time to freshen up before starting work again. 3 more hours to go. Just ate a whole Snickers bar. Mmmmmm, chocolate. :)

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