Saturday, October 23, 2004

Guess Who I met just before dinner at a nearby coffee shop today? :D :D :D

It happened so suddenly I'm still having some trouble letting it sink in. :)

The usual post-call blur, coupled with an urgent hunger, often leaves me oblivious to my surroundings. But running an errand at the mall this evening turned out to be a fortuitous event!

Had just dropped off some laundry, and was tapping my feet while waiting my turn at the SAM machine, when lo and behold, I spotted a guy who looked very familiar. Man, he's a dead ringer for Sylvester Sim! But I could be hallucinating.

Dressed in ordinary denim jacket and jeans, the only thing that really stuck out in the crowd milling around us was -- you guessed it -- his hair. :) Even though he recently dyed it back to a more, err, natural shade, the shaggy do set him apart immediately. With his lack of distinguishing facial features, however, I found myself eyeing him at length for a few minutes before confirmation occurred.

An SUV carrying a group of young adults came to a halt at the traffic light just beside him. A window rolled down, revealing a grinning female. She said something, and Sly took a few steps toward the vehicle. Words were exchanged, he waved in recognition, then the car zoomed off.

I couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. Or who I was looking at. Aaaaaaaaaaaa!

I poked my mom so hard she thought I'd just seen my ex ( heh heh ).
"What?!" she protested.
"Look!" I gesticulated wildly, almost whacking a passerby in the face. "That's Sylvester! Sylvester from Singapore Idol!"
"Are you sure? What makes you think that?"
"Some fans just stopped to talk to him, and he acknowledged them! It's the same hairstyle! It's him!" I was losing it. :P

"I HAVE to go and say hello," I stated matter-of-factly, and before any hesitation could get the better of me, I strode across the 10 metres separating us, and came face to face with my favourite Singapore Idol finalist.

He was staring straight ahead. Waiting for a friend probably.
"Excuse me," I began. His head swivelled in my direction. "Are you Sylvester?"
The smile appeared instantaneously and easily. Friendly. Perhaps a little shy as well.
"Yes, I am."
I started to ramble. "Hi! My mom and I are huge fans of yours!" ( point at my mother who's still next to the SAM machine ) "We've been voting for you since the beginning, and hope you'll win the competition!" Blah blah blah, I forget the rest of it.

Somewhere after the 1st sentence, he stuck his hand out and I took it. His grip was firm, his palm dry and cool. Direct eye contact, and genuine gratitude in his gaze. A man of few words, he kept saying "Thank you" over and over again, before I bade him farewell and returned to my earlier task. A quick recap for my mom, then I practically shoved her over. Ever the good sport, she gamely introduced herself, then spent the next few minutes conversing with him. What song are you singing next week? Do you live around here? We predict you, Olinda and Taufik will be in the top 3, etc. Answers to the above: Big Band theme( song title not known yet ). No I don't live in the neighbourhood, but am here to meet some friends. Thank you so much for your support. I'll do my best not to disappoint you.

Another handshake, my mother back at my side, then he's gone.

It was a case of unbelievable timing, and amazing odds. Who would've ever thought I'd meet this guy here? Today? And aargh! I was dressed like a slob, I didn't comb my hair before leaving the house, had no makeup and wore glasses! Plus, I probably had a whole colony of dark rings around my eyes, ack.

No regrets though. It was a terrific experience, and I'll never walk past that particular spot and look at it the same way ever again. :D

Darn it, now I can't sleep.

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